Learn all about Bombody and Brazilian Lymphatic Drainge

Let’s start with the Lymphatic System

Never heard of it? Most people haven’t.

The lymphatic system collects all the toxins and waste from our body and drains them out. It’s connected to every other system, so when lymph fluid gets blocked or isn’t draining properly, you’ll get sick, feel lethargic, you don’t digest properly and experience a myriad of symptoms.

Our lifestyles and causes out of our control can create congestion in our lymphatic system. It’s important to regularly ‘clean up’ your system and give your body a natural boost.

That’s where we come in…

Why you’ll love lymphatic drainage

Do you ever feel puffy? Bloated? Sluggish after traveling or after a few too many drinks?

There are a lot of factors that can lead to a congested lymphatic system. At Bombody, we work to manually move the lymphatic fluid through your body, flushing out blocked toxins and waste. There are a plethora of benefits, including giving your body a huge immune boost.

Our clients have experienced:

  • Feeling “lighter”

  • Less bloating

  • Increased energy

  • Glowier skin

  • Weight loss

  • Improved digestion

  • Better sleep

We call our treatment ‘Detox + Sculpt’ because while we are flushing the toxins out of your body, you will also have a leaner body and smaller waistline after one session. This is the most natural way to look and feel better.

*These photos were taken after one Body Sculpt + Detox Treatment. Results will vary for each client.


In our signature treatment, we manually move lymph fluid through the body using specialized techniques with our hands and tools.

This treatment naturally detoxes the body and boosts your immune system and all systems in the body with immediate visible sculpting results. You will leave looking snatched, feeling less bloated, and lighter with more energy and the list of benefits goes on.

Includes: 60 minute treatment + 5 minute wellness chat